Saturday 7 January 2012

Thunderbolt and Lightning

Before I start relaying all of my sordid stories from the last three months, I want to look forward into 2012. It is, after all, the new year.

After spending the majority of the festive period, in the UK, surrounded by all of my loved-up friends, I realised just how mental life in Dubai can be. Far from working a 9-5 job in the city and spending my weekends shopping at Tesco, cooking for my other half and watching some shit reality TV show. Instead, I travel the world, drink far too much, count bar nuts as one of my three meals a day and sleep with totally inappropriate men.

So why do I feel as though the grass is greener on the other side? Perhaps I'm a marketing mug, having fallen into the trap of believing Christmas is about sitting between the fire and the Christmas tree, gazing into the eyes of your other half and savouring all those sweet, gift-giving moments... No, that actually almost made me want to vomit. However, there is something a little unfulfilling about relationships in Dubai.

I'm not a believer of "the bolt" but I am a believer of mutual respect, deep friendship and irresistible attraction. My friends put my agnostic attitude towards "the bolt" as lack of experience. I, on the other hand, put it down to pragmatism. It's just not realistic. We're animals, driven by sexual desire and the need to nurture in order to procreate successfully.

Love, in my opinion, is merely a marketing ploy, aimed at extracting dollar bills from the impressionable, whilst duping them into believing they live a wholly contented life. Sure, I've felt incredibly attracted to some guys, I've pined for them, stared at my phone hoping they'll call, but that's not a "bolt", that's simply sexual attraction and me thinking it could be more because I was bored, lonely and craved excitement.

So, in 2012, instead of searching for the fictional bolt, I intend to find what it really is that I'm looking for, be it sex, love or understanding.

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